Thanks for your replies.
I have seen a rheumatologist. I had rheumatoid and ANA tests (neg) 11 years ago and again the end of 2009 (neg again). Was even tested for lymes disease.
Still, I have flare-ups when all of my joints hurt and swell. I can't hold a cup or open a car hurts to stand up...... I have the butterfly mask, fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Raynauds', hair loss, bruise VERY easily, Hashimotos', some dark skin pigmentation on both wrists, and also suffer from some dry eye syndrome and a little shortness of breath (chest x-rays clear).
I just had the ENA profile done, but don't know the results. I believe I also had them done 11 years ago and they were negative.
I wrote my rhuematologist and asked him to explain why all my auto immune tests come back negative and yet, I have some diagnosis (Fibromyalgia, Raynauds & Hashimotos) that ARE AUTO IMMUNE DISORDERS !! ??
Any thoughts? Appreciate everyone's input.
Minnesota Grandma