I am so down right now! I can't seem to get rid of this pain and I wonder if I ever will! I long for a good night's sleep but it never comes. I started the Plaquenil a few days ago. I know it takes time to work but I do hope it starts to soon.
When I went to see the rhuemy he said that my thyroid was enlarged but I recently had a blood test done to check my thyroid and it came back ok. Could that be wrong? The nurse practitioner that I spoke with sounded very concerned and told me not to put off the appointment and to get in there right away. I have an appointment Monday with my primary care dr for it. Is it possible to have a problem and it not show up on a blood test?
I know that you all suffer with pain that is overwhelming at times. How do you keep from sinking into a pit? I just want to feel good again!