Write down every Symptom you have experienced over past two yesrs. Pay Attention to the following symptoms:
Short or long term memory loss
Weakness (Symetrical or on only one side)
Pain (Symetrical or on only one side)
Inflamation (Symetrical or on only one side)
Swelling (Symetrical or on only one side)
Rashes and where
Neuropathy (numbness and tingling) in feet or hands
Skin color changes due to temperature or stress
Dryness in eyes, mouth, and or throat
Mouth sores
Vitamin D Deficiency (Are you on Prescription Vitamin D)
Major Hair Loss
Tremors in fingers or hands (and how often, are you exercising at time or at rest)
Have you been involved in Physical Trama (like car accident or fall)
What medications are you on
What Vitamins and supplements are you on.
Note There are several diseases that are highly associated with various cancers, get complete check up by a Rheumatologist, he will usually direct you to see a Dermatologist for skin care, Opthamologist (not Optometrist) for checking you out from Autoimmune association with their specialty. For example Sjogren's affects eyes and mouth and throat with dryness and sores. Skin problems could be beginning stage of Lupus or Dermatomyositis along with the other symptoms you mentioned. Also ANA can be there one day and negative the next in some people with a disease. Not sure what happens once you go on the medications for treatment. You may need to see a pulmonologist to look for signs of lung cancer, and a Gastrointernologist to look for throat, stomach, and colon cancer via two different procedures. You will also be referred to a Cardiologist if you have specific Autoimmune diseases to check for heart disease, high CHL, etc...
It usually takes a good team of doctors before you are diagnosed properly. Sometimes it takes a while because you may not have all the signs for a while, and sometimes they are confused because you probably have or will develop other autoimmune diseases such as overlap syndrome. It is frustrationg to the doctor and much mor so to the patient. You need courage, trust, and family and friends support.
My first and last ANA Test was done in 2002 after having skin signs and muscle fatique. It was Positive, Homo, with a Titre of 1:80. It was dismissed by my primary doctor as either probably something related to misdiagnosed RA in 1990, or a false positive. The test was never repeated. Today I have advanced stages of Dermatomyositis-Polymyositis, Secondary Sjogren's, and Secondary Raynaud's Phenonema, and some symptoms of SLE such as hand and fingers treamors and symetrical rash on my cheeks, eyelids, neck, chest, thighs, elbows, and Gottron papules on my finger knuckles, along with symetrical muscle pain and weakness in my neck, arms, legs, hip, and back. and firey inflamation and pain in my hands and feet.
I have not been in remission since 2007, the Rheumatologists did not run another ANA test since I was confirmed to have DM by Biopsy and the treatment is fairly the same for these autoimmune diseases that are so closely linked. He will be running it this week, I think, unless the MTX and IVIG Treatment I am on has an impact on the test and its results being inaccurate.