Hang in there and know you are not alone and there is someone out in the world, struggling just as you are (like me :)). Your post is the second post I have read tonight, that describes, to the T, what I am going through. I too had to drop out of school because I am too sick, owe the school some money before I can go back and I almost got fired from my job, before I finally quit, because I was missing work for appointments, multiple trips to the ER, etc. Have you looked into applying for temporary disability? I'm 26, moved across the country with my sister so that we both could finish school but, had to drop school and quit my Full Time job. Lean on your family as much as possible, I am getting a second opinion from a Rheumatologist in California, where I am from, and now am moving back with my folks here until I can get well enough to continue persuing my dreams. YOU are number one and your health is TOP priority! : ) It's hard not to stress, when your life and health are in a downward spiral BUT stress fuels inflammation! I found the following quote last October, when I was REALLY sick "When you feel like you are at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on" ;- ) Take Care and warm prayers to you during your struggle...