I live in upstate ny near Buffalo. We had a few days with an air quality advisory from humidity and particulate levels where I was definately asthmatic. The past month has been tough on me breathing wise, too. Have asthma, and was tested by my rheumy for every allergy he could think of.... boy was he surprised I didn't have ANY! But.... here's the kicker... I AM NOT asthmatic, and boy do I know!!! I can move air, and am not wheezing and my albuterol and Advair inhalers, (was switched from Flovent to Advair on emergency md visit May 23rd), do not help. For over a month, I kept waking up in a panic trying to consciously tell myself to move my chest to take a breath, like I had lost the instinct to breathe without thinking about it. Well, now I am going back to neurologist on the 12th, because, low and behold.... my reflexes were gone, absent, not found, inspite of repeated whacking on my elbows, wrists and knees. Hmmnnnn, reminds me of a nursery school song, I am also having unusually bad joint pain now, and after 5 nights of using albuterol q2 and taking an extra 5mg of prednisone last week, I am no longer panicked with dyspnea. I came close to going to the ED in the middle of one especially scary night. Since the difficulty breathing followed my usual loopie pattern of getting bad, badder, worser then better, I am certain it is connected to the inflammation of my lupus, and that now my nerves are screaming less and my joint pain is pretty bad, bet you a nickel the neuro will tell me my reflexes are fine. Go figure. My doc gave me a prn prednisone script, and a prn ultracet script. I have been desperate enough to make myself believe the ultracet takes the edge off the pain, (he also said my bad hip had bursitis in it and laughed when I told him to go ahead and keep poking it!!) And, I had to remind my drs. that when I am really, really, TOO SICK, I stay home because I am TOO SICK to go out to the dr.