I have my report back from my two tests....
12/21/11 12/30/11
color-yellow yellow
clarity-hazy hazy
specific gravity-1.014 1.025 norm 1.001-1.035
PH 5.5 5.5 norm 5.0-8.0
Leukocyte esterase neg neg
Nitrates neg neg
urine protein trace 70
glucose neg 100
ketones neg neg
urobilnogen <2.0 normal <2.0
bilirubin neg neg
blood moderate neg
RBC---2 1 0-4 normal
WBC--1 2 0-5 normal
Squamous epithelials 6 12 0-4 normal
Bacteria few few
Mucous few many
The doctor called me today and asked me how was I feeling. I've had a back ache for 3 days but otherwise I was fine. He thinks I'm headed to a UTI infection and wants me to go to my primary physician and get a third test done and possible antibiotics.
My problem is I'm very allergic to almost every antibiotic there is.