I am really confused about
how lupus is diagnosed. I have not been diagnosed with Lupus (thought we had ruled it out), but I have had continued immune system issues for 3 years. Now I am getting further tests regarding low blood protein levels and protein in urine, so now I'm back to wondering if it is Lupus.
A lot of the symptoms I have are same as same ones as listed for lupus - but also same as chronic fatigue (CFIDS).
I went to a rheumotologist about 3 years ago when symptoms first started presenting. The primary symptoms at that time were major fatigue, headaches, rashes caused by any exposure to sun, and hands turning blue (which my primary doc witnessed), anemia, cold hands/feet.
The rheumotologist tested my hands for Reynaud's by putting my hands on ice for several minutes to see if they would turn blue/white on demand. They did not. He had my blood tested for C Reactive Protein (normal) and did a cryoglobulin test (normal/negative). I could swear that he did an ANA test (and that it was negative), but I can't find a record of it, so now I'm not sure whether it was done.
What tests should a rheumotologist do to decide whether or not you have Lupus?
Even if I had negative ANA, that doesn't rule Lupus out, right?
Would it rule out Reynaud's or one of the symptoms of Lupus if my hands don't turn blue due to ice cold, but do still turn blue sometimes, perhaps due to stress?
Thanks so much for your input.