I had my first rheumatoligst appt. on Tuesday and she did nothing but focus on my weight (need to lose at least 50 lbs.) yes I am overweight and I know I need to lose some but I've been feeling so bad lately that it is really hard to.
Let me start at the beginnning. Went to see GP because I have been feeling very tired and weak for months now. I was taking ibuprofen all of the time but that started upseting my stomach. I have a feeling of the flu every day and my shoulders, wrists, feet and ankle joints are sore. My legs and feet are also swelled. I am also nausauted all the time. I can not stay out in the sun long because it makes me feel sick and I get really bad rashes. They did blood work on me and my ana came back positive with a 1:160 titer and crp of 10 and sed rate of 29.
The rheumatologist didn't say anything about what she thought it was but she did order more blood tests. She just kept telling me that my joint pain was due to my weight and I should be fine. The only thing she prescribed for me was Nabumetone which so far has not been helping. Most days I just want to go home and lay in bed and cry from all the pain. I don't understand why she just concentrated on the weight and not the tests and how I am feeling.
Any input would really be appreciated.