I have taken Plaquenil for just over 3 yrs, and just had my regular eye exam. I passed the field test and physical exam with no apparent problems. However, I missed two numbers on the color chart test - which is a first. The doctor wants me back in 2 wks to repeat the color chart test. This seems a little over-reactive to me, but of course I'll comply. I did some research and it seems the color chart test isn't even used as a regular indicator? So I'm confused. I will be very upset if told to discontinue the Plaquenil - as I believe it's been keeping things in check.
Anyone else familiar with that test, or been told to discontinue Plaquenil because of it? I know I'm jumping the gun - hopefully I'll sail through the color chart exam in 2 wks - but just the thought of no Plaquenil is making me very nervous.
Thanks - Lucy