Julie Koehler said...
Raven, he's full of himself. You need a new rheumie who will LISTEN to you. Here's the lupus creed:
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
> Strength to change the things I can,
> AND....the Wisdom to hide the bodies of the doctors who said....
> There's nothing wrong with you, it's all in your head!
I'm new to the cycle of ologists but I've had the symptoms for years (which if they listen to what I'm saying at all I seem to get a lot of nods and yeah okay type reactions.) First doctor I ever went to because of the joint pain (which I've had since high school) told me I was just fat and if I lost weight it would go away. Finally found a doc who took me seriously and ran blood work and lo and behold, positive ANA, anti-RNP, etc. Even so the first rheumatologist I saw told me I was just fat and that physical therapy would make me all better. Switched rheumys and still no diagnosis, but at least they're starting treatment (plaquenil). (Apparently I don't meet enough specific criteria for systematic lupus.
Good to know this is a common issue.
Best of luck to you raven!