Welcome to our forum Miss Lupus. I'm so sorry you're going thru such a rough time, especially at such a young age. Believe me when I say that it will get better. You will (or should) be working with your rheumatologist trying different medications until you find what works for you. Don't be surprised when you peridodically must change to new drugs.
I recently asked my rheumy to take me off Cellcept (generic mycophenolate) because it's such a strong med. It didn't take long for me to get a terrible lupus flare. One thing that really bothered me was hair all over my bathroom floor and handfuls in my bathtub drain. My thick hair became thin and after 6 months I asked to go back on Cellcept, along with my prednisone and plaquenil. My hair is growing back now. I don't know what combination of drugs will work for you, but you're bound to find something eventually. If you don't like your rheumatologist and can change, you might consider it if he's not willing to try different meds.
In the mean time, use a hydrating shampoo and conditioner. I use the Clairol brand. I also occasionally use a hot leave in conditioner and even hot oil treatments. Anything to make a comb run smoothly thru my hair & keep it from falling out. I hope we hear more from you Miss Lupus. I love your writing Sweety- you're very expressive! I'm sending you lots of hugs and positive energy. Love, Butterflake