It is true regardig the immune suppressants, but on the other side of it, I was working as a teacher and you know how bugs go around..went home with an awful stomach bug and a couple of weeks later, joint pain in my knees, that soon traveled to my hips, and that was in 2006. I've had RA since 06. I work with a population who are at risk of TB on a daily basis and also take Enbrel, MTX etc and wouldn't you know, perfectly healthy and rarely ever get sick! I will never understand it! I've missed a couple of doses of Enbrel due to insurance changes and I'm sick with a cold.
Well perhaps volunteering a day or two a week for an hour or so just to get out of the house and have interactions with others, something to look forward to, also if you don't feel up to it that day, you are not locked in like you would say a job or classes at a university. When I went back for my degree, I only went to school, I didn't work, with three kids, there was just no way it would have been possible, I think I would have truely lost my mind. I remember I was compeletly exhausted.
I do hope you feel better.