Last night I was searching for the two problems together early menopause brought on by lupus. I read a few posts and was interested in reading more. Can some on point me in that direction? This a short version of my story. I started my periods at 9 and even at that age I was irregular. My mom took me to an old foreign lady doctor and she inserted a speculum inside of me.. I don't know what else she did because being 9 I still don't think I knew where babies came from. Any way all my life my periods have been messed up and I started pre-menopause in my middle to late 20's. Along with 10 Female surgeries and infertility pills. I went to a new OB/Gyn yesterday and had my annual and then he ask me if anyone else had ever tested me for Lupus. And I said no, he continued to tell my that it might be the reason I have had so many problems over the years and started going though menopause so early. I have never had the best OB/GYN care that I thought I should have got it always came down to you don't have enough money or you don't have enough insurance to tell you why you can't have kids. I am a little scared about
what the dr. said yesterday but I did as he instructed and went for the blood test. Any information or insight would be great.