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Brain won't work! I've never been this way!
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Tired Tina
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Joined : Jul 2013
Posts : 34
Posted 7/15/2013 2:35 AM (GMT 0)
My brain won't work right, I'm so confused :-( I feel like I'm totally losing my mind!!
Barbara Lee
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Posted 7/15/2013 3:38 AM (GMT 0)
Sounds like you're experiencing lupus fog. It's a common problem for those of us who have lupus. Sometimes, I spend a very long time trying to remember where I've put something. I misplaced $5,000 worth of savings bonds. It took me almost 4 months before I remembered where I had placed them. I sometimes can't remember the name of an object or a person. I often slur my words or say the wrong words and my family just laughs at me.
I have moments when I'm certain you told me something and the person didn't. Or I told someone something and don't remember telling them that. The worse I'm flaring, usually the worse my lupus fog is.
My best suggestion to you is to write everything down that's important. Like appointments, birthdays, anniversary dates, special occasions etc. You're not losing your mind and once your flare starts to settle out your memory should become better.
Wishing you the best and I hope things improve soon.
Elite Member
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Posted 7/15/2013 5:00 AM (GMT 0)
Get you a bunch of sticky notes and a small notebook or day planner.
What's frustrating to me is I also have Fibromyalgia which makes me foggy also. I used to be a teacher, but because I was having so many problems I decided to call it quits and go on disability.
I had a psych eval to figure out if I was losing my mind. The doctor said the intelligence was still there but the process skills were in the 14% range. It just takes longer to process things for me now.
New Member
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Posted 7/15/2013 5:31 PM (GMT 0)
I'm experiencing the same thing. My brain function used to be so sharp, I could focus on things for hours and figure just about
anything out. Lately I've been almost out of it. I can't focus at work or home. I seem to forget just about
everything and very few things can hold my attention for more than a few minutes.
Being newly diagnosed with lupus I've associated it with lupus fog which I've read about
. I'm hoping it goes away once I'm regulated on meds. It's difficult to function like this.
Take care of yourself and let us know what you find out.
Forum Moderator
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Posted 7/15/2013 6:42 PM (GMT 0)
Sometimes it is just Lupus fog and will go away or at least be controlled by meds. I find that having 8-10 hours of "deep restorative sleep" and eating balanced meals at the right times is also very helpful.
It can also be really bad and affect your thinking process. This is "cognitive dysfunction" and can be tested by a neuro-psychologist. It is harder to treat and harder to deal with. I lost my business, my career, my life to 3-4 years at this level - couldn't even drive without being too confused at the end of the driveway (after 30 yrs living in the same place). I was lucky, 18 months on Cellcept gave me back my brain and I am now functioning at a much-closer-to-normal level.
Meds that are generally tried with varying results include: Imuran, Cellcept, MTX....
Tired Tina
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Joined : Jul 2013
Posts : 34
Posted 7/20/2013 5:08 PM (GMT 0)
I have to do some thing got an appointment with my old gp on monday that moved, hope to get some answers, for now I am carrying a note book planner, thanks everyone
Regular Member
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Posted 7/24/2013 7:01 PM (GMT 0)
I'm new here, but had to laugh. I'm sitting upstairs recouping after I went outside and washed the trash can out (feeling gutsy today!). My son just ran in and said, "Mom - you left the front door
open." I did? "Yep," he said "... wide
I feel the brain thing......... ;)
Tired Tina
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Posted 8/1/2013 11:58 PM (GMT 0)
tinglyinnc, it's a horrible feeling! Some days I wonder if I will come home and my house is burnt to the ground!! Lol
Elite Member
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Posted 8/2/2013 12:05 AM (GMT 0)
I've found if I laugh it off it's not so bad.
The more I fret over it the worst it feels and the more mistakes I make.
Writing notes and setting timers helps me keep it on schedule.
Tired Tina
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Joined : Jul 2013
Posts : 34
Posted 8/2/2013 12:07 AM (GMT 0)
So true Joy, I'm in the early stages of this so it's been a difficult ride, I'm learning to be thankful for the symptoms I don't have, and learning how to deal with the ones I do
Elite Member
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Posted 8/2/2013 4:57 AM (GMT 0)
I'm only into my second year of this too. It's a tough row to hoe at times.
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Posted 9/16/2013 8:08 PM (GMT 0)
I actually scared myself driving to work. My commute is about
30 minutes which isn't bad for the Dallas area. It was hard for me to stay in my lane of traffic and I noticed I was going slower than was like my brain was frozen in time. Sometime I wonder if I am having a mild siezure or something. I made it to work ok but then I could barely stay awake and focused. Thank goodness the coffee kicked in. for the last week or so I have been fighting horrible fatigue and almost want to go on short term disability :( I have only had this job since May and it's a great company but I'm beginning to wonder if the person I once was is gone and never to return and I should just bow out gracefully in the near future. I can't deal with feeling like I can't perform or the paranoia tha someone is going to notice my disability and not understand it thinking I'm lazy or not doing a good job...My flare started mid August and is going strong :( Today I want to quit my job and am counting down the seconds until I can go home...this sucks!!!
Forum Moderator
Joined : May 2005
Posts : 8160
Posted 9/16/2013 9:47 PM (GMT 0)
Please don't drive when you are feeling like this! I got so bad that for about
2 years I had to quit driving altogether. I'd get to the end of my street, where I've lived for 30 years, and get so disoriented I didn't know where I was.
I first noticed it when I was doing an errand in a time crunch and found people honking at me. When I looked up I'd veered off into a parking lot (with a 15 inch drop below the road surface).
You need to take time to let your brain and your body recover from whatever Lupus inflammation is causing this. Short-term disability may not be a bad idea. I was treated with Cellcept, and eventually my fatigue was lessened and my brain function restored.
Be safe!
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