So after suffering with a migraine for the last two days all my small joints are starting to hurt alot. Like a burning sensation. I'm still learning about
my lupus. I was diagnosed in February of this year. The anti malarial medication is starting to help and I'm getting steriod injections every two months. So here's my question. Just now long does it take for my new medications to work? I'm still getting two flares a month. Also, my rheumatologist is talking about
adding methotrexate. This is a medication I've never had before. Is it a good medication for my rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. The arthritis was also newly diagnosed in all my small joints ( I actually have holes in some of my bones) in February. Am I doing something to cause these flares? I know of I get stressed i get a flare. So I try to avoid stress as much as possible. Any advice and info will be greatly appreciated. God Bless. Dustmite.