All i can say to you both i hope it stops mild
Watado i hope your results come in negative regarding Lyme disease, as i have a friend in Arizona who as that very bad and i have to feel for her.
I found this info below explaining best possible for you both.
Not long ago, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) was thought to be fatal in nearly all cases. Few SLE patients lived much longer than five years after being diagnosed. In recent decades, thankfully, the outlook for those with SLE has brightened. According to the latest figures, more than 80% of those diagnosed with SLE will survive more than ten years and many will enjoy a normal life span.
We have made dramatic progress against SLE because potent new antibiotics are available to combat and prevent the serious and unusual infections that may complicate SLE. In addition, more effective corticocosteroids and immunosuppressive drugs now enable treatments for the various kinds of organ damage that SLE can cause. A good example is end stage renal disease, a potentially fatal kidney condition, which can be managed with improved dialysis and kidney transplant techniques. Finally, better diagnostic tests are helping doctors detect SLE earlier and identify milder forms of SLE that in the past would have been missed.
Many mild SLE sufferers are young women whose symptoms are limited to arthritis-like joint pain, episodes of fatigue, sunlight-induced skin rashes, mild anemia and problems with blood platelet regulation. Mild SLE sufferers never develop the life-threatening severe form of the disease. That is the good news. The bad news is that for those with mild SLE, the side effects of conventional treatments, such as long term corticosteroid and immunosuppressive drugs, outweigh their benefits.