Since both of these conditions are commonly found in people who have other AI diseases, like RA or SLE, I was wondering if any of you had ever been diagnosed with either one of them (or both). The celiac disease intrigues me, specifically, because sources I've read have indicated that many people with RA or SLE have greatly improved joint symptoms when they tried a gluten-free diet (the only treatment for Celiac). I'm currently being tested for both with a new GI doctor I saw last week. I know that thyroid problems run in my family. My mom had hyperthyroidism, and one of my sisters has hypothyroidism. I'm not sure which one I'm being tested for, but I'm forever cold (as are many of you), and GI noticed that right away when he walked into the examination room--I think it goes more with hypothyroidism. With the Celiac disease, it just makes sense that it might be a possibility. I've always had GI issues, even as a little girl. I had an all-out allergy to milk as an infant (or so mom said) and had to be switched to soy formula; to this day, I am lactose intolerant. I can tolerate cheese, but no milk or icecream (even though I cheat quite a bit). Lactose intolerance often goes hand-in-hand with a gluten intolerance. Honestly, even if my numbers are negative for celiac, I thought I might try to the gluten-free diet just to see if it makes a difference with respect to my joints. I may talk about
it with my rheumy in a couple of weeks.
Thanks for any information!