Please pardon this graphic question but I cant seem to get a straight answer. Currently I have my period and I was scheduled to get my blood and urine tested today. I have my regular rheumy appt. a week from today. I was concerned about giving a urine sample with my period but the lab tech said it didnt matter. I question that because my rheumy was very clear about not doing my 24 hour urine catch with my period and even asked me to wait at least 36-48 hours after my period ended. I realize a 24 hour urine catch is different than a run of the mill urinalysis but I am conerned. I asked the tech to make a note on my sample that I was on day 4 of my period and she said it wasnt necessary. Obviously blood will show up and I want them to know why. I called my rheumy and didnt hear back yet but I had to give the sample earlier so the results would be in on time for my next appt.
I have googled this question and seem to get mixed answers and wondered if anybody has any experience or a solid answer for me. At this point all my urinalysis is for is to monitor protein.
Thanks and sorry to be so graphic.