Hello to all, and thank you in advance for your comments/suggestions.
I was diagnosed with Sjogren's 2 years ago after a range of symptoms including abnormal bruising, extreme fatigue, joint pain (rapidly spreading) enlarged lymph nodes, gall stones, a kidney stone, and Raynaud's. (I still have negative ANA's for everything, I was diagnosed after a trip to the optomitrist. I am only 25, but I am sure I do have something autoimmune as my 5 year old has autoimmune arthritis as well as vitiligo on her leg.
I am wondering if anyone has any suggestions as far as increased eye dryness? It is driving me crazy, and wakes me up a few times a night. Contacts are now out of the question. I feel like I am speding hundreds on eye drops (ususally optive, blink, and some pm ointment) I also have the eye plugs in my tear ducts, and I am still miserable. Any suggestions?
Also, I have terrible raynauds. I have constant cold toes that are not warmed up by anything! I have tried heated socks, layers of socks, and sticking them in hot water is great until I have to take them out again. Less often, however, my toes go completely numb.
I was also recently diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apena. I am 5'9 and under 140, so definitely not over weight by any means, and I am very physically active, and sleep on my side. Is there any connection between autoimmune disorders and OSA?
There is also a possibility I might have Lupus, though I am not sure what I have to have since all my blood tests are negative, to show that I might have it as well as Sjogrens?
Sorry for the long random post, I almost don't want to go to the doctor because I am afraid of what else I will be diagnosed with. It all seems so crazy! Thank you for taking the time to read this. Sometimes I feel so lost, and crazy. I think for the longest time everyone thought I was a hypochondriac. The apnea diagnosis finally has shed some light on my fatigue issue. (I needed 17 hours of sleep a day to function) It is nice to find a place where people might actually understand some of these issues!