I have had tendonitis and tenosynovitis off and on for about
7 years so I can sympathize with you. It is a horrible pain that when it hits about
the only thing you can do is imobilize the joint and wait it out. When I've had severe pain in my shoulders my PCP has given me Toradol to take. I also get it in my fingers, wrists and elbows. You have to be very careful with Toradol because it can cause renal failure. They warn you to not take it more than 6 days in a row. Last month I had a VERY bad day with the tendonitis and I went in to the doctor. He gave me Loratab 10's and I was surprised that it actually took the edge off the pain. The other drug I noticed that helped was plaquenil but then again that might take weeks or months for you to get the full effect and you notice a difference. Also, my orthopedic surgeon switched me over to Clinoril (anti-inflammatory drug) because he said that helps with inflammation more than other drugs. Who knows if it does, but hey it's worth a try! I sympathize with you because that's what I've had to deal with a lot and it is so very painful.
As for your "compliment" tests. I don't know too much about
them and I'm sure that there are a few on here that could give you their own personal experience with them; which is always helpful. I do have a link of a great site that explains blood tests and they give a pretty clear explanation of the test in easy to understand language. The site is Labtestsonline Good luck and if you find anything that helps you with the tendonitis I would be thrilled to hear from you.
Post Edited By Moderator (Lynnwood) : 10/3/2007 6:23:20 PM (GMT-6)