For almost twenty years my blood tests showed up negative for lupus. My rheumy said that your blood tests might never show anything different, then again they could go crazy. Three years ago my blood tests starting showing positive results and continued to climb. Before the blood tests showed positive my rheumy treated me based on my symptoms (which is what a good rheumy should do). Now my blood tests show positive and I've got the official diagnosis in my chart.
Your symptoms sound very familiar. It sounds as though you might be in a flare. You should go back into your doctor while you're feeling this way and let him exam you and run those blood tests again. Ask him to treat you based on your symptoms, not on the results of the blood tests.
You're not going crazy, it's not all in your head ... what you're experiencing is very real and needs to be taken seriously. You need to pace yourself, eat healthy and get as much rest as you can. And if at all possible limit your stress. I know, easier said than done. If you need a shoulder or an ear, we're here, and we know what you're going through. Hugs!