Thanks all for the welcom. Certain is a friendly and a supportive site
I had a visit with my family doctor yesterday. The swelling and the pain has been getting worse so I thought I should go see her. usually things didn't go the way I thought they would.
I've been working out trying to get some of the strength back. she said my swelling is from the work out, but to keep it up.
I'm not doing high impact stuff so I'll guess I'll tough it out. I do not over do.
She was angry when she heard who my new rhuemy was going to be....sigh...she advised me not to see her and to stick with my current rhuemy who doesn't believe that lupus is real, period.
She said she would keep an eye on my ANA, but my results are coming back in the clear.
I'm frustrated, not sure what my next step is going to be.
I'll show off my rashes to the skin guy. Gawd what a job.
Hey doc, what do ya think of this....
Wonder how many times they want to say EeeeEEeew ick gross hahahaha.