I have a problem with one of the disks in my back from moving my entertainment center a few mos ago, so my regular doctor referred me to pain management, ordered blood work and MRI then told me everything looked good. So I went to pain management Tuesday, handed the doctor my blood test results, and he looked at them funny - told me my ANA choice test came back positive at 1:640 and told me he was going to write a referral to a Rhumetologist because those numbers were very high.
My original doctor had ordered the blood work to test for RA but I only had RA factor 4. Everything else on the bloodwork screen turned out normal with the exception of a somewhat high Glucose level (maybe because i had a soda before i went for the bloodwork). Anyway the fact my regular doctor told me nothing looked wrong when he saw my bloodwork bothers me.
I am not on any medications besides the occasional percocet for my back and I have been having weird symptoms especially lately, very achey all the time, I have a strange red rash on the right side of my nose/cheek that hasnt gone away in months and looks like its getting larger, I feel super week constantly and my asthma has gotten worse lately as well (my pharmacy has been getting upset with me because I am running out of it more than usual). I dont know if any of this is related - I go next week to the Rhumetologist and I am really worried and scared.
What are the chances this could be Lupus? It doesnt run in my famliy that I know of and what can I expect when I go in to see the Rhumy, any ideas or advice would be greatly appreciated.