Hi Everyone,
I had my first evualation on Friday. I started off with a written questionaire of about 500 true/false questions...... . Alot of them were off the wall questions and I had to laugh at some..... .
After that he called me in his office and got the background history...work/school/medical of me and family. Then he told me to remember 3 words he gave me and started asking all kinds of other things. After that torture he ask me what the 3 words were.....LOL, like I would remember...I did get one out of three.... .
He said I would probably have 2 or 3 more sessions for about an hour. The next one is on Wednesday. I asked him the reason my rheumy sent me to him and he said it was for cognitive function evualation. Hopefully, after all this he will be able to determine something.
I will let you all know how it goes on wednesday. Take care!
Love, Babs