cured4real? said...
Used to be my platelets ran slightly low, now lymphcytes. Does anyone know what this means? Can this have something to do with problems with my spleen due to liver problems or AI or so many removed and calcified lymph nodes that I can't produce enough? It's not real bad, but they have been like that on the last two tests, just a little low, kind of like the platelets are doing. Thanks for any help you can give. I really appreciate it.
I am still so new to this forum, and trying to educate myself, that I have no answers for you. I didn't know that lymph nodes could calcify. I know they swell up even if you don't have cancer, for this is what they have done with me. I am going to talk to my Rheumy about
it if I don't forget. But I would be interested to know too what this means.
Found this at
basically Low Lymphocytes are caused by immunity problems (weak immune systems) or infections. Low Lymphocytes can also sometimes indicate a blood disorder. See a Hematologist for more intense blood testing.
At this same site another person answered with being told that Lupus was suspected due to her low lymphocytes.
Hope this helps