What deficits do you have from your stroke? Do they know what caused it?
I have an over reactive reflex in my right arm. NO one notices it but me and the neurologist, which I do not see him anymore. Forgot his name, and part of my medical record was lost at my family doctor, and some of it was thrown away. the reflex makes my arm jerk a little bit when I am typing, just have to erase and start again. I was very lucky too. It could have been much worse.
I don't know what caused it. they told me to quit smoking, but they blame everything on smoking. I may quit one day when I can get that chantex, but it will be my choice, not anyone else's.
What is interesting to me about this stroke is that it was painless. It happened in my sleep. Perfect way to die. If I am to die, which I am as well as everybody else, this is a perfect way to go.
I am going to write down these blood tests things and ask the rheumy to do these tests for me, when I see him next month. He does his own labs, so I don't have to make an extra trip in to get the bloodwork. If I have already had these tests than he should know. I have never ever even thought about getting copies of my blood tests reports, or asking the doctor if I have had this or that test. Felt pretty much powerless with doctors. If I have the results and the names of other doctors, than the doctor can't lose it. I had a good gynecologist that I would really like to go back to, but can't remember his name either, or where he is located.
This lupus fog, and hopefully that is what it is, it has been around for a long time. I have hidden it best that I could because of the threat of alzheimers and nursing homes. I also have something similar to a mood disorder, and this has been blamed for it too.
Thank you for providing this information to me. Hopefully one day I will be as educated about this as you are. I don't see me remembering better, but if it is written down for me to find later, I will be reminded of what it is. In my journal notes I have put, 'Ginny said to do these tests.' this will remind me of what they are.