Hi king, trust me I know how you feel and I know you are as concerned as I am. Unbelieveably this started literally the day I turned 40
which was 4 months ago. I also have extreme popping and cracking in the shoulders and knees and my right ankle, my muscles twitch
throughout the day in my calves and arms sometimes feels like my ankles and palm of my hand too. I would feel a sense of vibration on
the inside of my body and as i've calmed down recently it's gotton better but seems to worsen a bit after I work out.The pains are
random and come and go quickly this morning it was my shoulder sometimes its in my calf and ankle or hands, also pins and needles
feeling in my hand and left foot, also pain in my under arm at times, and I also had a shooting pain in my right side of head. My
chiropracter explained to me that there is a nerve right behind the neck that affects that side of the head and when he massaged it for
me I felt it in my head! When all this pain started I realized I was in a very anxious state and was drinking alot of caffeine which may
have aggravated the situation. Definitely stay off the caffeine! Xanax helps alot to calm me down as does excersize. I know it's
scary what's happening to us especially since as for me anyway I never experienced any pain until 4 months ago, but have faith that
as time goes on things will go back to normal or better. I have found that positive affirmations are helping alot too. If you're a book
reader,"The Power of the Subconcious Mind" is an excelent help for what were going through. Let me know how you're feeling and if
u learn anything new and i'll do the same....