I just want to give each one of you and HUGE hug!! You guys are so kind and such good friends to me. It's strange to feel so close to someone that you have never met. I've had the fortunate experience of running accrossed some of you that call me on the phone to see how I'm doing. My family doesn't even do that! .
Yesterday morning was really bad for me but last night was a lot better. I'm sure in no small part to all of your prayers and possitive thoughts and your kind words to me. I must admit I do feel really guilty when I don't come here every day and try to be of some help. It leaves me feeling kind of empty.
Patty (not your brother) lol. sorry but I had to laugh. I am beginning to think that the provigil is causing me some problems. It does say side effects can cause suicidal thoughts or actions. I know a lot of meds say that. they have never bothered me but ya never know. Between the holidys and health and everything else those meds just might have tipped the scales. I took a half of one this morning I'm gonna try that for a week or so and see if I notice a difference.
Bigbry, hey we have never met even online have we? my brain doesn't retain alot but I just wanted to say welcome to the group and thank you so much for your suppport. I look forward to getting to know you.
Ginny I sent you and email back a little while ago. Thank you so much for the email I really appreciate the offer. God loves ya and so do I.
Redrose, thank you so much for responding. You are so sweet. The feeling is mutual. After all not everyone will let you go through their pregnancy with them! Do you realize how many adopted aunts and uncle that son of yours has? Give him a hug for me!
Judy, I love you too. You do have a way with words. If God has plan I sure wish he'd let me in on it. I'm sure most of us wish we knew what the future held.
((((((Donna)))), you're such a sweet heart. But I have to say that one of the 5 dogs bit the kitten this morning and I wacked him one. I don't think he felt the love lol. I'm climbing out of the hole with all the support you guys are giving me. Your post had me in tears. Some times tears are a good thing.
Thanks again everyone. I love you all. No matter what happens or when it happens you are all a gift to me.
love you