Hey Brit, yes it is true that being double jointed can cause more problems I think you are on to somthing getting into a new rheumy. Like I mentioned before they just search for answers too. Here are a couple of suggestions for you. First if you swell or get a rash or anything out of the ordinary I mean anything at all. Take a picture of it. There is a good possibility it won't be there when you get into see the dr. when I first got sick my legs from knees to toes got so red it looked like second degree burns and my feet were so swellen they were bleeding. Things you think is nothing good mean one more peice to the puzzle. Do your finger tips get real cold.? do they turn colors? Do you get styes in your eyes do they feel like you have a rock in them? do you get little tiny red dots on your hands that you don't think much about? I am not saying you have any of these I am just giving you an example that you can't take anything for granted. document everything. Take your temp 4 times a day write it down. make a chart. is it high is it low? what were you doing at the time? Talk with your family try to find out anything your family might have including aunts and uncles cousins. Do you get sores in your mouth? cracked lips? There are just so many things that we are used to blowing off as it's just part of life when in face it could very well be something the doctor needs to know about.
ok anyway I just wanted to add that. If you have any questions please come here and ask away. somone will more than likely have an answer. If you just get frustrated come here. we all know that feeling. We are here for you and will be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers