Hey girlfriend I'm right there with ya in the mornings. I get out of bed and feel like I'm wearing concrete shoes. Like someone is going to throw me in with the fishes lol. My breathing is bad in the morning too. trying to hold on to the counter and set up the coffee pot with one hand. Not a pretty sight. Today I called my home health care worker and she's coming over later because I was too wiped out for her to come over earlier. That's bad when I'm to bad off to have the person that does all the work come over.
Isn't the metho.,imuran,cellcept for the lupus like the plaquenil? You're right what else is there? I certainly can't say that I ever do anything that takes away my energy. I usually can do somthing for 30 mins and have to go set back down. . All though I would love to see my grandbabies from time to time. They live in Tenn. though so that won't happen.
If that is the best you can do for a pitty party you really need to work on the moaning and groaning. You're not very good at it! You need to add a couple of these . Now see doesn't that look more like a pitty party? You just need to take some tips from me. I'm a pro at whining on here.
I'm totally looking forward to seeing you so don't get too tired. Save up some energy so we can go get in trouble or somthing.
love ya