I've lost a lot of hair since late summer. It's stopped falling out so dramatically, but it isn't growing back, either. The texture is different as well, but some of that may be due to the fact that I stopped coloring it several months ago. I only colored it for a year - and when I couldn't get out of flare, decided if it was contributing to that at all, it just wasn't worth it. The hair around my forehead along the hairline is really wacky, like the hairs have broken off and regrown so many times they are "fringe" hairs. Oh, it's hard to explain.
Then there is the skin on my face. I've always had dryer skin, and the rest of my body is doing the normal thing - especially in winter. But my face just seems so coarse (the texture is like sandpaper sometimes) and so dry it peels a bit - and even though I put a ton of lotion on it it never seems to really absorb it. And some days it is more exaggerated than others - for no reason I can come up with. My thyroid has been checked and double checked. It's fine. Does this sound familiar to anyone? I'm 54, but this has been a very recent change - in fact, it's all started along with some nasty flaring this summer and fall. I started Plaquenil in Dec. - not sure if that has helped slow the hair loss or not. I'm not extremely vain, but I do't like what I'm seeing in the mirror! Any thoughts?