So . . . I saw the rheumatologist yesterday and he said he is confused . . . basically my blood work indicates SLE, Sjogrens and other connective tissue disorders, but no positive ANA (have never had a positive ANA) . . . he said that he has never really seen my combination of blood work results, has never seen positive cytoplasmic staining without a positive ANA . . . good news is, its not fibro or CFS . . . bad news is he can't nail down anything definitive right now . . . He ordered all new bloodwork again . . . just had that done 2 months ago!
He started me on plaquenil - i have always been pretty resistant to start on meds as long as i could cope, but its been really hard lately . . . so achey, so tired - bone crushing fatigue, nausea every single stinking morning . . . i decided i had to do something . . . sick & tired of being sick & tired.
He said that if my latest issues are lupus related, the plaquenil will help. If it isn't, the plaquenil won't help and we are back to square one. He said all we can do at this point is approach it through a "diagnosis via treatment" method . . . I feel like i'm on "House"!!
Anyway . . . hoping the plaquenil helps . . . hoping something helps.