Hi Redrose,
I am so sorry about
what that darn doc did. I have looked up some things and you are so right about
what your meds can do to your baby's bone density while you are pregnant. I am wondering if you can get some information from your rheumie or the specialists that treated you with these drugs about
what the affects can be on your child's health during pregnancy while on these and so they can test Alexander for these. Maybe taking these to your lawyer you have during this investigation so he can hand these in during the hearing can help. Also a bone density test??? There is one thing that if you were on Imuran called Pancyt
openia can happen or baby's can develop Oste
openia or similar issues due to these meds with the high levels of prednisone you are on too I am just thinking this and then if he has something like this and then you picking him up that would coincide with the fractures???
Just a thought.
Good luck on the new home and paying off your bills