Welcome to the forum. I always hate to hear of yet another person with lupus symptoms, and I do understand your concern about
the news. Your symptoms sound eerily like mine.
As far as breast implants and lupus, that has been an area of concern for years but to date, there is no scientific proof about
a connection. Check out the FDA site on this topic: as to your question about
any other things which might match your symptoms, I can't answer that.
Under the Resources page at the top of the forum is a lot of information about
lupus. My personal favorite site is that of the Lupus Foundation of America: or six weeks is not long to have to wait for an appointment with a rheumatologist. Many folks have to wait for several months for a first appointment.
Check out the information we have posted under the Resources page about
how to prepare for a doctor's appointment. We lupies urge people to keep a daily log of their symptoms (whether or not you think a symptom might be related tol lupus) and go to your appointment armed with your log of symptoms and a list of all of your questions. I always take notes when at an appointment because there is often more information handed out that I can absorb.
Stay out of the sun, and don't worry. There are lots of things worse than having lupus. Once you start on medications, hopefully many of your symptoms will disappear. And we are here to offer our help and understanding. This forum is a great support group for those of us with lupus or suspecting lupus.
Hang in there. Tell us more about
yourself and ask all the questions you want. That's what we're here for.