So I have been trying to avoid another nerve block for my hip/leg. But I fell on mother's day and my leg has been much worse since then. I didn't want to have to give and get another nerve block because quite frankly one of the three nerves they have to block affects my ability to feel fully during sex. I happen to enjoy sex and find that it actually helps with my pain levels for a few hours so long as the pain wasn't too bad to begin with. But I can't seem to sleep unless I am totally exaughsted now due to my leg/hip pain and neither vicodin nor darvocet or the combination of the two (which my pharmacist said was okay because I got low tylonol vicodin, but not to do too often) is helping. Considering I am also on tramadol I think this call for giving in and getting the darned nerve block.
I am not very happy but figure I know when things aren't going to improve. Heck maybe they can help with my back pain while they are at it. Does anyone have any ideas on how to avoid the nerve block and avoid physical dependancy on narcotic pain meds?
On another note we have been invited to a picnic next weekend and I am wondering if anyone can make some suggestions so I can participate despite the sun? I really want to do this because I think it is a wonderful idea and we should definately do this to increase our friend base. It may be that doing this will help us get our son back. Court is the 29th this month and after the 15th visits will be on weekends and can be several hours instead of just a single hour. Our lawyers think we will win it is just a matter of patience. One of the things they wanted though was for my husband to socialize and this picnic is a chance for him to do just that. So I really need ideas because I want this to work. I am one of those who is extremely sun sensetive. I have this cape with a hood that I am considering washing with the sun screen powder to add sunscreen to it. It is velvet and meant for renaisannse stuff but it covers me from head to toe. I also will be buying sunscreen that is sweat proof in the highest SPF I can find and covering my entire body before I dress. I even plan to try and apply it to my scalp. There will be some shelter but I am sure some of the activities will be in the sun and I don't want to be a stick in the mud. I also would appreciate suggestions on how to have the energy when Saturday rolls around. THANKS!!!!