Hey Judy! You need more protein sweetie! Lean protein, like chicken breasts or salmon. Combine either of those with some brown rice and a spinach salad and you're golden! Keep the portions small. That is where people start to back track and wonder why the weight isn't coming off. The chicken or fish should be the size of a deck of cards, and about 1 cup of rice. Go crazy on the salad. You can't eat too little of that stuff. The added protein will help stabilize your blood sugar. I have issues with the "lows" too and adding more protein is the key.
** Caution** If you're on Warfarin or Coumadin or any other blood thinner, keep in mind that foods containing vitamin K will make your blood thicker. So your dose of blood thinner will need to be monitored closely. Any of the green veggies including lettuce are high in vitamin K. Spinach is the highest.
Don't restrict your calories too much. If you do and you're exercising too, then it puts your body into starvation mode. It will hold onto your fat! The average woman needs 1600 calories every day just to live. When you add exercise to your routine, you need to be eating 1800 - 2000 calories a day. The less you weigh, the fewer calories you need. I know it sounds backwards but it's true! LOL.
You can email me if you want to also Judy! I'm so proud of you for getting to it!!! YA!!!