I just got copies of blood tests from my dr's. I have a positive titre of 1:320 with a speckled pattern. I also have positive Anti-ds DNA <10. Then the form says a Strong Positive for SSA and Moderate positive for SSB. then at the bottom there is a weak positive for AMA-M2. Now I strongly suspect I am dealing with Lupus and that is not great but when I looked up the AMA-m2 that suggests primary biliary cirrhosis...what the heck does that mean? Do I have some kind of liver disorder as well? I am freaking out a little bit here. I do have a referal for a rheumatologist, but they do not expect to get me in for about
9 months and my family Dr did not even suggest that there were liver issues. SHould I be waiting so long if there are liver issues? I have been having severe abdominal pain and gas upon waking but I assumed that was because I was eating before bed. I have transient itching on my legs, joint pain and terrible fatigue(but I have a 16 month old and 2 other children and I never sleep). what the hell??? I need someone to explain some of this to me. I am really getting scared here. Anyone that has experience with any of this please offer advice, experiences or give me some ideas of what I should be doing. Is this pbc something I should worry about
with a weak positive?
thank you so much for any responses in advance.