I am new to the forum, not new to the autoimmune monster, however. I had RA for 14 years, dx’d in 1996. Suffered many deformities. Then suddenly sjogren’s symptoms showed up about 5 years ago, and now July 2008 lupus symptoms showed up and by April 2009 lupus kidney failure caused me now to be on dialysis.
I am having a hard time with the diagnosis but taking it one day at a time to stay sane. I really felt RA had done enough damage and taken enough of my life when the other things showed up, so now I was angry and fed up with autoimmune disorders and the fact there is no cure.
I do have a question however, how do you cope with the skin problems of lupus? My skin is a mess. Always looking like it has a rash. I am taking prednisone so I suppose the prednisone could be the culprit as well just didn’t seem that bad before the lupus kidney dx and also the hair loss is really scary.
Well, I have tons of horror stories like that one but don’t want to depress anyone so will keep it light and short. Hope you guys are having a super great day and hanging in there! Hope to hear from you.