Hi my name is Cindy! I guess I have joined with the hope that I can get some answers....I had some blood work done roughly about 3-4 yrs ago and was told that my ana choise results came back positive. I was then told to see a rhuemy and a derm and so I did. To later find out that everything was fine. They said maybe your immune was just done at time of draw. Which by all means I was happy with that result!!But my concern comes back again as I again have bloodwork done and again my result is positive. I'm not sure what to think...does that mean that something IS brewing and they just werent able to see it 3-4 yrs ago?? Looking into the signs of lupus I can honestly say I fit that category as I did 3-4 yrs ago also with fatigue, rashes,joint pain and my goodness severe forgetfulness @ my age...!(28) I would appreciate any comments or advice and Im sorry about the long paragraph...