None of us know if there will be any changes to medicare in the future that affect insurees. There have been a lot of outright lies about
healthcare reform to prevent any meaningful reform but I don't believe medicare will change significantly as far as patients are concerned. If reform passes, which is in doubt, it will make many back end changes to medicare...not much on the front end for patients. The funding for medicare is inadequate for the future and that will have to be addressed. Don't know if the current legislation does that or changes every hour I think. Medicaid has no funding and is a big problem. A friend of mine who is an economist wrote a book on SS, medicare and medicaid and pointed out a lot of the myths about
these programs.
Private insurance continues to go up at 15% or more a year, deny coverage, set lifetime limits, and deny procedures, etc. If we don't have medicare in the future we will truly have a healthcare hell for seniors who as a group are very pleased with it. Fewer companies are providing benefits, many small companies cannot afford them at all, and all companies are passing on the costs more and more to employees. There has been a nasty game going on for years of firing older workers who are benefit liabilities. We have a mess and I don't think the current bill in whatever form it finally takes will address all of these problems...particularly not the cost. Private insurance companies will not address those and add 30-40% overhead whereas medicare only adds about 4%. If we did not have medicare senior would not have any healthcare because they would not qualify and if they did most could not afford it. A sure death sentence to many older patients.
Putting all of this aside, my wife and I have a combined 6 years on medicare and it works great. Hope it stays that way but like everything, who knows. Good luck in finding the right solution for you.