I am new here. I am 40, diagnosed with lupus at age 36. My ANA at that time was 1:320 homogenous pattern. It progressively increased, going up to 1:1280 six months ago. It is now negative. I am stunned. I know the ANA can go up and down, but this seems extreme. They tested my blood twice, two separate ways. Also, I used to be positive for antiphospholipid syndrome, but now those results are negative. In fact, every single lab result was within normal limits.
Prior to being diagnosed with lupus, I always felt bad (fevers, mouth sores, etc). I do not want to be sick, but having a diagnosis helped me to at least feel like I wasn't going crazy and everything was in my head. Now I don't know what to think. I guess I should be happy about having perfect lab results, yet I still do not feel good.
Has anyone else experienced anything like this?
Thank you for your input.