Hello everyone!
I hope today finds all of you feelling well!
I just had to vent alittle bit as I am at my wits end with all of this pain!
Every day I wake up in hopes it will be better... only to find that is is not!
Tuesday I had a pretty good day... got alot of things done that I have not felt like doing.
It was a great feeling but on Wed when I woke up I was miserable. The fatigue and pain was terrible!!!
Is this a normal thing? I have suffered for years with generalized weakness, fatigue and joint pain but nothing like this!
My hat is off to all of you that have suffered for a long time with this painful way of life.
I am suppose to start on plaquenil to slow the progression but does it help with pain? I am on Mobic and Tramadol and neither one is taking this pain away. Sometimes it helps alittle but never does it completely relieve my pain.
I have noticed that some of you are on neurotin... My brother takes this and he gave me one to try when I was getting no relief and it seemed to help me. It made me feel alittle wierd at first but then it seemed to dull my pain.
I know you shouldn't self medicate or take someone elses medicine but I was desperate for some relief!
Any suggestions on pain management? What works for you???
Thanks in advance for any feedback!
Hugs to all of you!!!!