Hi Everyone,
I do believe i've been on this forum many years ago when i was first diagonsed with Mixed Connective Tissue Disorder. Couldn't remember my login name or email used at the time so signed in for a new account.
I have browsed on here and off for a while and felt it was time for me to post again.
I am 27 years old and for most of my life had difficulty swallowing - severe difficulties that even orange juice pulp would stick in my throat and choke me. This was my ONE and ONLY symptom - food sticking in throat.
After numerous visits to Drs and various tests including blood work, cat scans, ultra sounds, barium swallows, endoscopies and heaps more i came across a Doctor who as soon as i walked in the door diagnosed me with MCTD - he later did a blood test and confirmed i had this disease.
At the time i knew nothing about it and did lots of research before listening to him and taking any medications. I had NONE of the symptoms that go with MCTD and i felt he was very wrong with his disgnosis, all i wanted was my ability to swallow to be back so i could eat whatever i wanted to.
He promised me if i listened to him and took a stack of meds - 6 or 7 from memory that i would be able to eat whatever i wanted to. I began reading up on the meds and the side effects were scary.
I decided to listen to my intuition and not take the meds and not believe i have MCTD. When i told the Dr this he went mad, said it was serious and could kill me in the long run, my decaying teeth were a sign of MCTD attacking them (Dentist said it was to much sugar and not good enough hygiene).
Anyway 7 years later....my teeth are in perfect form, i have regular check ups, reduced sugar intake, brush and floss daily and have not had a single cavity since. I didnt lose my hair and become chronically ill like the Dr who diagonsed me said i would. Yes i am still suffering with my swallowing problem and it's affecting my ability to live a normal life and just recently i went to a Doctor who seems to think the cause of my swallowing problem is my body producing to much mucous and once thats gone i can eat properly.
I have no joint pain like the Dr said i would have and i am still not showing any signs of his MCTD that he promised me would start showing if i chose not to take his medicines.
I am not convinced more than ever they got the diagonises wrong and were trying to get me onto the drugs for financial gain - the cost of the drugs were very expensive and the Dr gets a huge chunk of commission for selling them to as many people as he can.
I look back and a proud i chose to go against what they told me and listen to myself.
I think sometimes we're to keen to listen to what a professional has to tell us and we unfortunately trust them thinking they know whats best for us when they dont always put our best interest forward.
I am still waiting for the symptoms to appear as he said they would but for now i am battling with getting my swallowing mechanism working well again.
Just thought i'd share.