Hi I am new here and I wanted to get some help on questions I have. So a little about
myself all my life I have struggled with pain in my legs. I never knew what it was, Ive went to doctors and they said it was just normal growing pain. But as I got older and recently changed my pcp, I started thinking I may have arthritis, so my pcp took some tests and she told me I had a positive ANA and Anti-RNP, and that I have mixed connective Tissue Disease. She didn't have many answers, all she said is that she needs to send me to a Rhuemy. My appointment isnt until September and they cant make any closer appointment. I am currently 6 months pregnant and in bad pain. I also started putting a lot of my symptoms that I have had all my life together. I have always suffered with anemia, heart palpitations, constant pain in the pelvic bone section, fatigue, shortness of breathe, fainting and dizzy spells, and no one could ever find anything wrong with me. So I went to my doctor yesterday and she told me that I might have lupus but that I needed to wait to see the Rhuemy because he could better diagnose me. So I am confused. Do I have MCTD or do I need to wait to see what the Rhuemty says? I am scared. What does all this mean? and with me being pregnant should I be considered high risk. I have a two year old son and was high risk with him because of constant spotting? was this the cause all along.