I've just been diagnosed with Lupus over the summer break for school. In two weeks I'm back in the classroom under the fluorescent lights and going out for Recess (20 minutes, 15 after restroom break).
I'm prepared for outside- SPF +50 cover shirt, wide brim hat, SPF +100 sunbrella, and sunscreen SPF +70. I'll be under a shade tree also.
However, I'm sensitive to the fluorescent lights. After 3 hrs I get a headache, turn red faced, eyes burn, and tremble.
I need the lights covered or off and use lamps.
What I need is to discuss with him the options in a rational manner. I've already informed him that I have lupus, but he has no idea what it involves and I didn't either when I told him. I thought it just involved covering up from the sun, not the lights.
Does anyone have any tips for me?