Hi, everyone,
I don't come here often, although I used to years ago under a different username. I haven't been diagnosed with Lupus, and the rheumatologists I've seen believed that my health problems aren't rheumatic (I have had a positive ANA of 1:320 and 1:640, but I don't have swollen joints, and the other tests came back negative), but my health problems follow Lupus so closely that it's the only condition I can really identify with since I can't obtain a positive diagnosis otherwise.
Anyway, I had a miscarriage a few weeks ago... It was my first pregnancy, and I was between 4 and 7 weeks along (it's hard to tell... my periods are very irregular), so it was still fairly early. The reason for the miscarriage is not known... but with the enormous amount of factors working against a pregnancy (endometriosis, ovarian cyst issues, low progesterone, blood sugar problems, blood pressure problems, anemia, low cortisol levels, etc.), I wasn't surprised that it happened. Despite the lack of surprise, it was still a bit of an emotional experience.
I was wondering if any of you have a history of having miscarriages, and if you were able to successfully make it through a pregnancy after. With so many health problems, I'm worried about
trying again... obviously, a lot of work will have to go into it (raising my progesterone level, monitoring my blood sugar and blood pressure, keeping up with iron-intake, etc)... but... I guess I'm looking for some encouragement from someone who had similar problems. My doctor and ob/gyn seemed to think I would make it through the pregnancy just fine, but obviously that didn't happen. Anyone have a positive pregnancy story?