Hi Everyone,
I just got back from my rheumatology appointment and we have decided to up the Prednisone to 10 mg a day since my disease has been much more active lately. I had been doing so well and these past three weeks have been a serious challenge. It's hard to keep from getting frustrated with all of this!!!! My rheumatologist also decided to start me on Imuran, since the big motivator in my treatment is to wean me off the Prednisone (I have been on Prednisone off and on for a number of years), which has been very difficult for me. I also take Plaquenil, which I have been on for sometime. I tried Methotrexate, but got very sick on it and CellCept was a godsend until I developed serious neutropenia. The next line of offense is Benlysta, which we are looking at as a viable option. At this point I am willing to try it, if the insurance approval goes through. I would love some input from all of you on both Imuran and Benlysta. I realize that Benlysta is new and not too many people have been using it, but I am assuming that a number of you have either taken or tried Imuran. I have been reading about both of these drugs on line, but I love the personal touch I receive from people traveling a similar road as I do. Any tidbits and information would be extremely helpful.
Oreo (Laura)