Posted 11/17/2015 1:13 AM (GMT 0)
I can't believe I didn't know how likely it was until the last hour, reading online. I got the positive ANA test -- >1:1280 on the Homogeneous and Speckled -- several weeks ago, but I didn't know how high that test result was. My doctor only suggested at the time that it meant I might be at a higher risk for autoimmune diseases in the future.
But, I have symptoms...
A couple times in the past month or so, I've gotten a rash on my cheeks (not nose bridge). I guess you can call it a rash. They got red and hot and a little itchy and it lasted for several days. Turned kind of dry.
Once a few months ago, during a period of exhaustion and stress, I had an unexplained fever.
I have long-standing gastrointestinal problems, which my doctor is working with me on. It started when I was nine (I'm 30). I also sometimes have what I also thought of as my heart flipping over, or a skipped heart beat. It happens rarely, but did more often during a period several years ago of very high stress.
And, the reason for the test, I have joint pain in my hands and knees, especially. It's not very painful, but my knees get very stiff when I sit cross-legged or with my knees bent. This started when I was very pregnant, so I thought it had to do with that, but it continued (although it's gotten less severe; it did used to be painful) and now my son is one...
I saw a rheumatologist on Friday, and she ordered a lot of blood work and did x-rays of my hands and knees. It will take at least a week and a half to get the results. But I forgot to tell her about the fever, because I didn't know that was a symptom. And I think it's possible my hair is thinning. I have very thick hair, and I thought my issue with my hair was a bad cut, but recently (before reading things online!), I thought, my hair doesn't seem as thick as it used to. But I thought it had to do with having my baby...
It sounds like I have lupus, doesn't it? I'm scared. Both to get a diagnosis, but also maybe to be left in limbo, because I know it's tricky to diagnose. And didn't tell her about the fever, heart palpitations, and possible hair loss. I think I'll call tomorrow to add those to the patient history. But then that just makes me more scared that I'm right, and I do have lupus...
Help me feel less alone with this?