Hello - I am new to the site and have never, until now, thought of using a blog site as a helpful resource. I'm optimistic : )
Here's my problem - I started with weird symptoms about
4 years ago, long story. Currently, I have diagnosis of Sjogren's, although symptoms have improved and seem to come in waves. High ANA, Sed Rate, and CRP's are over 200 (during flares).
New doctor doesn't believe that I in fact have Lupus, but certainly auto immune something. This past July I became very suddenly ill with fevers of 101 to 103.8 for 8 days with no let up. Then two weeks to recover and regain my strength. Intense headache with shooting pains. Body ache, weakness. No infection, no other symptoms. CRP was 266.2, Sed Rate 87, ANA positive, speckled both at 80.
This has happened three times now since July. It leaves as quickly as it comes. Same thing each time but duration has shortened. Lab results are all similar. I've been tested for West Nile, Zika and most recently Borrelia which came back positive but only for the IgM. IgG was negative. He prescribed me Doxy something which I did not take. After extensive reading, it's a false positive.
As a side note, two years ago I came down with active EBV and was sick for 6 weeks with it. I did have Mono as a teenager. Tests showed that EBV was acute even 6 months after I was sick. I've read some interesting material about
EBV and false Lyme Disease, etc.,
I have constant pain in my left side for about
3 years. It became debilitating and prevented me from driving, sitting, you name it. I began taking Amitriptyline about
a year and a half ago and it has been a life saver and while the pain is constant, it is very manageable.
Sorry for the long post. Any thoughts or ideas. Do my symptoms sound like anybody else's? Of course finding a new doctor is on my list.
Thank you, Alicia