HI Everybody!
Sorry I havent been around much recently... it has been a busy time for me. I finally have some good news to report. I went to my rheumy yesterday and for the first time since Dec. of 2006 my C3 serum didnt dip and it actually rose up two points. For several months now it has been dipping 10-12 points each time it was checked. In late March of this year it was 30 points below normal. Well, yesterday it didnt dip but is now 2 points better. My rheumy had said if it dipped more my medicine would have to be reviewed but now she is more optomistic. I almost did a flip in the office!! I have to get my urine tested again this week and if it is okay I dont have to go back until JULY! She said even if the urine is still showing traces of protein that would be okay. I am ecstatic, just ecstatic! The Plaq. might finally be kicking in after nearly FIVE months.
My WBC was a bit high, 2 points higher than normal but she wasnt all that concerned. My kidney function via my blood was perfect!
Thanks for reading! Hope everybody is well!